American “Civilisation”

The recently deceased John Dewey was applauded by the American press as the most representative figure of American civilisation. This is quite right. His theories are entirely representative of the vision of man and life which is the premise of Americanism and its ‘democracy’.

cover The essence of such theories is this: that everyone can become what he wants to, within the limits of the technological means at his disposal. Equally, a person is not what he is from his true nature and there is no real difference between people, only differences in qualifications. According to this theory anyone can be anyone he wants to be if he knows how to train himself.

This is obviously the case with the ‘self-made man’; in a society which has lost all sense of tradition the notion of personal aggrandisement will extend into every aspect of human existence, reinforcing the egalitarian doctrine of pure democracy. If the basis of such ideas is accepted, then all natural diversity has to be abandoned. Each person can presume to possess the potential of everyone else and the terms ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ lose their meaning; every notion of distance and respect loses meaning; all life-styles are open to all. To all organic conceptions of life Americans oppose a mechanistic conception. In a society which has ‘started from scratch’, everything has the characteristic of being fabricated. In American society appearances are masks, not faces. At the same time, proponents of the American way of life are hostile to personality.

><br>Julius Evola, Revolt against the Modern World The Americans’ ‘open-mindedness’, which is sometimes cited in their favour, is the other side of their interior formlessness. The same goes for their ‘individualism’. Individualism and personality are not the same: the one belongs to the formless world of quantity, the other to the world of quality and hierarchy. The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, “I think, therefore I am”: Americans do not think, yet they are. The American ‘mind’, puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardisation.

Julius Evola, Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist In a superior civilisation, as, for example, that of the Indo-Aryans, the being who is without a characteristic form or caste (in the original meaning of the word), not even that of servant or shudra, would emerge as a pariah. In this respect America is a society of pariahs. There is a role for pariahs. It is to be subjected to beings whose form and internal laws are precisely defined. Instead the modern pariahs seek to become dominant themselves and to exercise their dominion over all the world.

Segui Julius Evola:
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3 Responses

  1. B. Cariou
    | Rispondi

    Nel libro di T. Sunic "Homo americanus", che sarà pubblicato tra poco in francese, è dato il link della traduzione francese di "Civiltà americana" di J. Evola, che, però, sembra fatta sulla base della traduzione inglese, e che contiene vari errori. "Civiltà americana" (Fondazione, 1983) risulta esaurito. Se un lettore ha questo testo, gli sarei grato se potesse contattarmi.

  2. Centro Studi La Runa
    | Rispondi

    @B. Cariou: è di prossima pubblicazione la seconda edizione di Civiltà americana per conto della Fondazione Evola da parte delle Edizioni Controcorrente, curata da e con introduzione di Alberto Lombardo.

  3. B. CARIOU
    | Rispondi

    Grazie per la notizia.

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