Beltaine, the beginning of the month blessed by the Goddess of fertility and abundance

Alessandro Daudeferd Bonfanti,

May 2024

I, Daudeferd, dedicate this short script to my Comrades: Atlantean Blood, Sun Vessel, Bleunwenn and The Weird Rider. Especially to those who live in the Celtic areas, Brittany and Germany.

We know about the four Celtic celebrations during the year: Beltaine/Beltane, Lughnasadh/Lammas, Samhain, Imbolc. Four celebrations in the middle of both Solstices and both Equinoxes: the Svastika as a big clock, this time seen in the center of our Solar system.

As far as Beltane, whose celebration coincides with the night of Walpurga, between 30th of April, month of the God Apollo (Belenos/Belus among the Celts), and the 1st of May, month devoted to the Goddess Maia (Tailtiu/Tailtie among the Celts), the symbol on which to focus is that of the Triskeles, Þrífót in Norse language, Þrífós in Saxon language (from which then comes the Anglo-Saxon and Alt-Deutsch form, modern English and German as well).

The three legs of the Triskeles represent: birth, growth and death, in a continuous cycle, endless. The Goddess that rules this continuous cycle is the Goddess of the wild Earth, of the uncultivated Earth, still not touched by man, the Earth of the early Age, that one of the Golden Age. What rises from the ground in this new month are the flowers, symbol of female fertility for excellence, assimilable in everything to the female genital organ. It is a hymn to the fertility of the virgin Earth, and also to the young girl whose virginal purity is ready to procreation: birth, growth and death, in a continuous cycle.

The Goddess of this celebration is Nanna in the Germanic Tradition, aspect and power of the Goddess Nerthus/Erda, Beltaine/Beltane stands for Belisama/Belisma in the Keltic Tradition, Maia-Flora in the most ancient Roman Tradition, Demeter and Persephone in the Hellenic Tradition; and in the area of Sicily occupied by the proto-Illyrian Sikels, the Goddess Hybla (pronounced ‘’Húbla’’), Cupr-ú (> Cupra, in Latin) in the Osco-Sabellians’ Tradition (noun of first Oscan declension, confr. with Sikels’ Hybla/Húbla, h > k and l > r, as in lykos > hirp– ‘’wolf’’, noun of Oscan second declension, confr. with Hellenic λύκος ‘’wolf’’), Cybele in the Tradition of the Phrygians, and also Kubaba (confr. again with Hybla/Húbla). Flowers and the bees, which fertilize the flowers, and from which the custom to say that the bees sting the women when they become pregnant (a real rite of initiation and not an imagination for children, as many still believe). The semantic root of the Celtic name of Beltane is in fact *bal-, which means ‘’strength’’, in the primaeval Indo-European semantic basin, but also ‘’primordial Light’’ in the primordial Weltanschauung (from Celtic and Germanic area until Sanscrit area, from North-Atlantic to Northern India): the Male principle, the Alpha, the primordial bursting Light that passes through the Omega, the primaeval Darkness, the Materia Prima (in ancient Hellenic Tradition Hyle, the Prime Matter); Alpha and Omega are now united, married, and then the Kosmos is born, created (from Hierogamy, id est Sacred Wedding).

Ω (-)


Α (+)

The male principle, Alpha (+), the Beginning that reaches the union with the feminine element, Omega (-), the matter in the primaeval Darkness (Hyle): their union is Eternity, it is the beginning of another cycle of the Creation, the Kosmos.

And this is what we can see also in the well known tomb-door of the Sikanians’ Castelluccio facies (tomb n. 31) in the early Bronze Age (XXII-XVI centuries BC), in South-East of Sicily, before the arrival of the Sikels from the peninsula in the late Bronze Age (XIII century BC). The male principle is the positive pole (+), the Lightning; the feminine principle is the negative pole (-), the Earth: the Lightning throws its energy (the Light) onto the Earth. This is the Sacred Marriage between Heaven and Earth, and the month of May represents precisely that with its longer days full of Solar light under the constellation of Taurus, which has replaced the constellation of Aries, the Sky of Apollo/Belus/Baldr; and also its characteristic strong thunderstorms, just described above, lead to this interpretation of the Theophany. It is certainly a coincidence that until not long ago the month of May was considered the ideal month for weddings, when the the virgin brides’ body all dressed in white was hit by a rain of rise grains to symbolize the male semen that fertilizes the woman’s womb. The month of May is indeed the month of flowers (symbol of woman’s reproductive apparatus), of virgin brides and weddings, fertility and abundance blessed by the Goddess of the Earth.

This ancient esotericism can be still caught also in our Music for Tradition (look at/read the previous issue published in Centro Studi La Runa, in the 2nd of February 2024, The Hyperboreans’ Sun – Il Sole degli Iperborei: Musica per la Tradizione Europea).

The great Neofolk group Werkraum from Germany in its third ‘’official’’ album, Early Love Music (2008, Ahnstern label), the third song Ein Lied von Lieb und Treu is dedicated to this cult (a Volkslied/poetry by Carl Martin Römer, 1896).

Ein Lied von Lieb und Treu (Carl Martin Römer, 1896)

Im Holderstrauch, im Holderstrauch.

Der blühte schön im Mai,

Da sang ein kleines Vögelein

Ein Lied von Lieb und Treu.


Beim Holderstrauch, beim Holderstrauch

Wir saßen Hand in Hand,

Wir waren in der Maienzeit

Die Glücklichsten im Land.


Beim Holderstrauch, beim Holderstrauch

Da muß geschieden sein,

Kehr bald zurück, kehr bald zurück

Du Allerliebster mein.


Beim Holderstrauch, beim Holderstrauch

Da weint ein Mägdlein sehr.

Der Vogel schweigt, der Holderstrauch,

Der blüht schon lang nicht mehr.

Text translated into English (by me, Daudeferd):

A song of love and fidelity

In the elderberry tree, in the elderberry tree

So beautifully it bloomed in May,

There a little bird did sing

A song of love and fidelity.


At the elderberry tree, at the elderberry tree

We were sitting hand in hand

In the tides of May we were

Happiest in all the land.


At the elderberry tree, at the elderberry tree

There must be a separation.

Come back soon, come back soon

You dearest love of mine!


At the elderberry tree, at the elderberry tree

There a girl so often did cry.

The bird silenced, the elderberry tree,

Its roots already did dry.

Also the British Sol Invictus (Tony Wakeford) in Death Of The West album (1994, Tursa label), the eighth song Our Lady Of The Wild Flowers is dedicated to this ancient pan-European cult too. The song was born from a brief collaboration with the Ordo Equitum Solis duo, at the time of Sol Invictus’s third studio album Lex Talionis (Tursa label, 1990), when all three (Tony Wakeford, Deraclamo and Leithana) met and gathered at Agrigento temples valley, in Sicily. Ordo Equitum Solis played also this song in their second album Animi Aegritudo, back in 1991 (Musica Maxima Magnetica label, and it is the first song of the album), but in a different version (alas we are not sure which version is the original one).

Our Lady Of The Wild Flowers (Sol Invictus’ version, 1994)

A flower falls from heaven
Through a doorway to this world
Into a world of sorrows
Comes a face so pale
Our lady of the wild flowers
Stretches out her hands
Our lady of the wild flowers
Mend this broken land
Our lady of the wild flowers
Her tears fall from the sky
Out lady of the wild flowers
A love that will never die.

And she’s wilder then the winds
And she’s older than the cross
And however dark the night
She will never leave us lost
And she’s wilder then the winds
And she’s older than the cross
And however dark the night
She will never leave us lost

Oh, the dusk is falling
I light a candle to the Moon
Just to reminds us
That she will return soon
Our lady of the wild flowers
Stretches out her hands
Our lady of the wild flowers
Sows with golden sands
Our lady of the wild flowers
Her tears fall from the sky
Our lady of the world flowers
A love that will never die.

And she’s wilder then the winds
And she’s older than the cross
And however dark the night
She will never leave us lost
And she’s wilder then the winds
And she’s older than the cross
And however dark the night
She will never leave us lost
Oh, she’s wilder then the winds
And she’s older than the cross
And however dark the night
She will never leave us lost
Oh, she’s wilder then the winds
And she’s older than the cross
And however dark the night
She will never leave us lost.

Our Lady Of The Wild Flowers (Ordo Equitum Solis’ version, 1991)

Our lady of the wild flowers
Our lady of the wild flowers
Our lady of the wild flowers.

Our lady of the wild flowers
Her tears fall from the sky
Our lady of the wild flowers
Whose love will never die
Our lady of the wild flowers
Who stretches out her hand
Our lady of the wild flowers
Bless this broken land

Our lady of the wild flowers
Our lady of the wild flowers.

Our lady of the wild flowers
Her tears fall from the sky
Our lady of the wild flowers
Whose love will never die
Our lady of the wild flowers
Who stretches out her hand
Our lady of the wild flowers
Bless this broken land.

Our lady of the wild flowers
She’s wiser than the winds
Our lady of the wild flowers
She’s older than the cross
Our lady of the wild flowers
However dark the night
Our lady of the wild flowers
We will never be lost

She’s wiser than the winds
Our lady of the wild flowers
She’s older than the cross
Our lady of the wild flowers
However dark the night
Our lady of the wild flowers
We will never be lost.

Our lady of the wild flowers
We will never be lost.

Read with care the marked line in bold. Tell me then, doesn’t it seem a continuation of the ancient poem Pervigilum Veneris (2nd-3rd centuries, Era Vulgaris), which tells of the Hybla’s cult under the name of Venus (epoch of strong syncretism)?

Cras amet qui numquam amavit/quique amavit cras amet

‘’Tomorrow, love who never loved/and who already you loved, keep loving tomorrow too’’

(translation by Daudeferd)

From my book Siculi: popolo Ario venuto dal Nord, here translated from Italian to English for you, p. 296 (III ed. Passaggio al Bosco ed., 2023):

‘’The name of the Goddess Hybla, common everywhere in the mountain-area [of Sicily], from the slopes of the Etna up to the Iblei Mountains, was the name for many  towns of the Sikels, and it recalls the idea of the fertile Earth, on which to make own colony safe and in prosperity. She is the Goddess of the Earth that gives her fruits, the Goddess that nourishes her children, the fertility of the fields just as Demeter, Mother Goddess of the Greek, and Ceres [one of the aspects of Maia and Tellus], Goddess of the cereals for the ancient Romans; the Daughter of Demeter is Persephone/Kore, the Young Girl, for the life that develops from the fertility of the Earth; the Goddess Flora-Proserpina for the ancient Romans, She that makes to grow the vegetation. The Materia Prima is the fertility of the Earth [the Death stratum of the cycle], the organic layer that allows the continuous flow of the vital strengths [the Birth], and then these springing forces that go upward from the Mother’s womb, the primitive strength represented by the eternal youth [the Growth]. For the Germans the Goddess of the fertility of the fields is Nanna, corresponding to Inanna of the Sumerians. For the Celts She is Beltane [one of the aspects of Tailtiu, ‘’Heat of *Bel-‘’, the ‘’Power of Light’’, the ‘’Power of Strenght’’], whose celebration happens in the night of passage between April 30th and 1st of May [month of Maia], between the Celtic month Cutios, month of the invocations of 30 days, and the month Giamon, month of the end of the winter, of 29 days’’.

Beltaine, in May, is the traditional salute and ancient celebration for the visit of the Goddess of fertility and abundance to us.


An ancient coin from Sicily, Syracuse, III sec. BC.


5 Responses

  1. Igor Helvoth
    | Rispondi

    Articolo eccezionale, sia per l’interesse degli argomenti trattati, sia per la dovizia di particolari con cui il relatore si approccia, senza mai annoiare né salire in cattedra.
    Sono personalmente un divoratore di libri di questo tipo.
    Un plauso a Daudeferd.

  2. Alessandro Daudeferd Bonfanti
    | Rispondi

    Molte grazie, caro Igor. Cerco sempre di essere piuttosto semplice, molto sintetico e chiaro con tutti i lettori, al fine che il mio messaggio, che non è solo ”scientifico”, ma prima di tutto spirituale e metapolitico possa giungere al cuore di tutti i buoni Europei. Non posso fare nulla per ostacolare gli eventi, il fosco vento del Kali Yuga, ma cerco di difendere fino all’ultimo respiro il bosco puro dove sono andato a rifugiarmi. La mia è una battaglia, che seppur persa, combatterò fino alla fine. Rune di Vittoria, Daudeferd.

  3. Alessandro Daudeferd Bonfanti
    | Rispondi

    Dall’oscurità primordiale è venuta fuori la luce, la grande esplosione primigenia, proprio come un bimbo viene alla luce dal grembo materno. Omega è fine, sì, ma anche inizio.

  4. Alessandro Daudeferd Bonfanti
    | Rispondi

    Ciò è osservabile proprio nelle tombe dei Sicani castellucciani: tombe a forma di utero, veri e propri grembi materni ricavati dalla pietra calcarea del sito. I corpi accoccolati, deposizioni secondarie dopo scarnificazione, furono rinvenuti dall’Orsi nelle sue campagne di scavo di fine ‘800/ primi del ‘900. I simboli ricorrenti nei portelli, oggi esposti al Museo Paolo Orsi di Siracusa, sono proprio uteri stilizzati con motivi a spirale, simbolo di generazione ed evoluzione, nonché si ritorno ad originem. Sono state trovate decorazioni simili a Malta, nel contesto templare di Tarxien, nei livelli di Troia dell’Eneolitico e Antico Bronzo (2500-2200 a.C.). Seppur simili, quelli castellucciani presentano una figurazione più chiara del concetto esplicato: la rinascita, la metempsicosi, la continuità metafisica per un tramite organico; poiché negli esemplari delle altre aree succitate le spirali assumono una specifica significazione di generazione-evoluzione, seguendo anche un modello decorativo allora molto acclamato, non proprio una profonda Weltanschauung, un vero e proprio credo religioso. Grazie sempre per la vostra attenzione, Daudeferd.

  5. Bleunwenn
    | Rispondi

    Merci Camarade! It was an interesting read as usual, I am very fond of the triskell and having a listen to The Lady of the Wild Flowers tonight is perfect and quite fitting for this personally challenging end of May.

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