A foreign sun, leaving his heart
map of navigation, diamond artery,
for oriental destination and fine rivers,
vibrant at the motion of water
and graphic stone like the surfaces of molluscs.
And then, the flourishing notes in modern-ancient alphabet
and the learned swing of page in page
with archaic league
Ezra Pound, the meteor engraving
the venerated and whitened ocean.
And which better funeral ceremony
could give you the Italy’s people,
if not that it’s happened, in Venice,
with the flowered boat guided in lagoon,
the oar of strength beating on the wave,
the decorated wood for the last voyage
between the bridges of the poetry and the Renaissance?
And also, the respecting and the silent people
between the attractive beauties of the architectures
and the homage of the generations that have drunk at your “Cantos”.
The ancient and won ashes of your bones, that are going…
and the usury in use that remains
and against which your anger has hurled
for the vile money kept in the banks.
Omero, Dante and Ovidio, your first readings,
happened in Europe, were holding your oar
and the verses in the waves that by the blow open themselves
making rings that are dilating
towards new resonant horizon.
The diary of the last dreams, the inner sufferings,
the cultures and the races, in your new vision
for which the doctors would see “the incapacity to understand and to want”.
Thomas Eliot told for you “the best smith”,
for the emotional burst and the creative energy,
the moulded language, the extensive culture
in the mosaic of the poetic tesserae, the ancient and the modern of them.
The sublime beauty of Venice, therefore, was
with your invoked pureness in the prayer to God
such as in your “Sacred Nightly Litany”.
The magic atmosphere
where you’ve wished to include yourself, aloof
in the exile of Liguria, comeback foreign wing
to the fury of the world.
River of ecstasy, therefore, and a current
of the conscience and of the consciousness,
a whirl of a feeling and rebellion,
with courageous and troubled word.
The incitation, so,
for persons or masks to resurrect
and to give again a sense to the life,
fallen down “in the rapid grimace” of your present,
and of our continuation,
made languid of intelligence and fruits,
and ready to show you the mistake, to turn you the face
but not to understand the greatness of the poetry
and the projection, from the last fight a time,
that now has new light, revived.
(english translation by Ettore Mosciàno)
Ettore Mosciàno
………(Italiano – English – Español)
(correzione nelle traduzioni inglese e spagnolo, da parte dell’autore Ettore Mosciàno)
POESIA per #EzraPOUND (n. 30 ottobre 1885, Hailey, Idaho, Stati Uniti – m. 1 novembre 1972, Venezia) – Poeta, saggista e traduttore statunitense, che trascorse la maggior parte della sua vita in Italia. Visse per lo più in Europa e fu uno dei protagonisti del modernismo e della poesia di inizio XX secolo. (Postato in Italiano ‘Letteratura, Letteratura inglese e nordamericana’).
L’ultima foto: il poeta Ezra POUND con altro noto poeta americano Allen GINSBERG.
(Nella poesia il termine ‘nàutilus’ (in greco antico, significa sia nave sia marinaio. Il termine assume vari significati…)
(correzione dell’autore Ettore Mosciàno)
di #EttoreMosciano (Roma febbraio 2004)
Un sole straniero lasciandogli il cuore
mappa di navigazione, arteria diamante
di destinazione orientale e fiumi sottili,
elettrico all’odore dell’acqua e pietra
imperterrita di nàutili connotati.
E poi vivai di annotazioni in alfabeto nuovo e antico
il leggiadro oscillare di pagine in pagine
con lega arcaica
Ezra Pound, meteora e graffito
oceano grave e canuto.
E quale migliore cerimonia funebre
poteva darti l’Italia,
se non quella che è stata, in Venezia,
la gondola infiorata guidata in laguna,
il remo della forza che batte sull’onda
e il legno ornato dell’ultimo viaggio
tra i ponti della poesia e del Rinascimento?
Ed anche, le presenze riverenti e mute
tra le bellezze delle architetture
e l’omaggio
delle generazioni abbeverate ai tuoi “Cantos”.
Le ceneri antiche e consunte delle ossa tue, che vanno
e la consumata usura che rimane
e su cui si è scagliata la tua rabbia
per la vile moneta trattenuta nelle banche.
Omero, Dante e Ovidio, le tue prime letture,
fatte in Europa, reggevano il tuo remo
e i versi nelle onde che al colpo si aprono
in anelli che dilatano
verso nuovi fonetici orizzonti.
Il diario dei sogni perduti, le intime sofferenze,
le culture e le razze, nella tua nuova visione
in cui i periti d’ospedale videro
“l’incapacità d’intendere e volere”.
Thomas Eliot disse di te “il miglior fabbro”,
per lo slancio emotivo e l’energia creativa,
il linguaggio forgiato, la cultura composita
nel mosaico delle tessere poetiche, antiche e moderne.
La bellezza sublime di Venezia, dunque, stava
con la tua purezza invocata nella preghiera a Dio
come nella tua “Litania notturna”.
La magica atmosfera
in cui hai voluto confonderti, distante
nell’esilio ligure, ritornato ala straniera
alla furia del mondo.
Estasiato fiume, allora, e corrente
della coscienza e della conoscenza,
vortice d’un sentimento della ribellione,
in coraggiosa e travagliata parola.
L’incitamento, dunque,
a persone o maschere da resuscitare
per ridare un senso alla vita,
caduta “nella rapida smorfia” del presente tuo,
e del nostro continuo,
e illanguidita d’intelligenze e di frutto,
e pronta a mostrarti l’errore e a volgerti il viso
ma non a cogliere la grandezza del lirismo
e la proiezione, dal combattimento allora perso,
che riluce a distanza, risvegliata.
POETRY for Ezra POUND (b. 30 October 1885, Hailey, Idaho, United States – d. 1 November 1972, Venice) – American poet, essayist and translator, who spent most of his life in Italy. He lived mostly in Europe and was one of the protagonists of modernism and poetry of the early 20th century. (Posted in Italian ‘Literature, English and North American Literature’).
The last photo: the poet Ezra POUND with another well-known American poet Allen GINSBERG.
(In the poem the term ‘nàutilus’ (in ancient Greek, means both ship and sailor. The term takes on various meanings…)
by #EttoreMosciano (Rome February 2004)
A foreign sun, leaving his heart
map of navigation, diamond artery,
for oriental destination and fine rivers,
vibrant at the motion of water
and undaunted stone of nautical animal..
And then, the flourishing notes in modern-ancient alphabet
and the learned swing of page in page
with archaic league
Ezra Pound, the meteor engraving
the venerated and whitened ocean.
And which better funeral ceremony
could give you the Italy’s people,
if not that it’s happened, in Venice,
with the flowered boat guided in lagoon,
the oar of strength beating on the wave,
the decorated wood for the last voyage
between the bridges of the poetry and the Renaissance?
And also, the respecting and the silent people
between the attractive beauties of the architectures
and the homage of the generations that have drunk at your “Cantos”.
The ancient and won ashes of your bones, that are going…
and the usury in use that remains
and against which your anger has hurled
for the vile money kept in the banks.
Omero, Dante and Ovidio, your first readings,
happened in Europe, were holding your oar
and the verses in the waves that by the blow open themselves
making rings that are dilating
towards new resonant horizon.
The diary of the last dreams, the inner sufferings,
the cultures and the races, in your new vision
for which the doctors would see “the incapacity to understand and to want”.
Thomas Eliot told for you “the best smith”,
for the emotional burst and the creative energy,
the moulded language, the extensive culture
in the mosaic of the poetic tesserae, the ancient and the modern of them.
The sublime beauty of Venice, therefore, was
with your invoked pureness in the prayer to God
such as in your “Sacred Nightly Litany”.
The magic atmosphere
where you’ve wished to include yourself, aloof
in the exile of Liguria, comeback foreign wing
to the fury of the world.
River of ecstasy, therefore, and a current
of the conscience and of the consciousness,
a whirl of a feeling and rebellion,
with courageous and troubled word.
The incitation, so,
for persons or masks to resurrect
and to give again a sense to the life,
fallen down “in the rapid grimace” of your present,
and of our continuation,
made languid of intelligence and fruits,
and ready to show you the mistake, to turn you the face
but not to understand the greatness of the poetry
and the projection, from the last fight a time,
that now has new light, revived.
(Rome, February 2004)
POESÍA para #EzraPOUND (n. 30 de octubre de 1885, Hailey, Idaho, Estados Unidos – m. 1 de noviembre de 1972, Venecia) – poeta, ensayista y traductor estadounidense, que pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Italia. Vivió principalmente en Europa y fue uno de los protagonistas del modernismo y la poesía de principios del siglo XX. (Publicado en italiano ‘Literatura, literatura inglesa y norteamericana’, por #EttoreMosciàno).
La última foto: el poeta Ezra POUND con otro conocido poeta estadounidense Allen GINSBERG.
(En el poema aparece el término ‘nàutilus’ (en griego antiguo, significa tanto barco como marinero. El término adquiere varios significados…)
por #EttoreMosciano (Roma febrero de 2004)
Un sol extranjero saliendo de su corazón
mapa de navegación, arteria en diamante
de destino oriental y ríos delgados,
eléctrico al olor a agua
y piedra impávida de animal náutico.
Y luego viveros de anotaciones en alfabetos nuevos y antiguos.
el elegante balanceo de página en página
con aleación arcaica
Ezra Pound, meteorito y graffito
océano grave y canoso.
Y que mejor ceremonia fúnebre
podría darte Italia,
si no lo que fue, en Venecia,
la góndola floreada guiada en la laguna,
El remo de la fuerza golpeando la ola.
y la madera adornada del último viaje
¿Entre los puentes de la poesía y el Renacimiento?
Y también las presencias reverentes y silenciosas
entre las bellezas de la arquitectura
y el homenaje
de las generaciones bebieron de tus Cantos.
Las cenizas antiguas y gastadas de tus huesos, que van
y el desgaste desgastado que queda
y sobre el cual se desató tu ira
por el vil dinero guardado en los bancos.
Homero, Dante y Ovidio, tus primeras lecturas,
hecho en Europa, sostenían tu remo
y los versos en las olas que se abren al golpe
en anillos que se dilatan
hacia nuevos horizontes fonéticos.
El diario de los sueños perdidos, del sufrimiento íntimo,
Culturas y razas, en tu nueva visión.
en el que los expertos del hospital vieron
“la incapacidad de comprender y querer”.
Thomas Eliot dijo de ti “el mejor herrero”,
para el ímpetu emocional y la energía creativa,
la lengua forjada, la cultura compuesta
en el mosaico de azulejos poéticos, antiguos y modernos.
La sublime belleza de Venecia, por tanto, era
con tu pureza invocada en oración a Dios
como en tu “Letanía Nocturna”.
La atmósfera mágica
en el que te quisiste mimetizar, distante
en el exilio de Liguria, regresó al ala extranjera
ante la furia del mundo.
Río extático, entonces, y corriente.
de la conciencia y el conocimiento,
vórtice de un sentimiento de rebelión,
en palabras valientes y preocupadas.
La incitación, por tanto,
a personas o máscaras para resucitar
para devolverle sentido a la vida,
caído “en la rápida mueca” de tu presente,
y de nuestra continuación,
y languideciendo en inteligencia y fruto,
Y listo para mostrarte el error y girar la cara.
pero no captar la grandeza del lirismo
y la proyección, de la pelea entonces perdida,
que brilla a lo lejos, despierto.